What are the factions in Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars?

The three main factions of this series are the Global Defense Initiative, Brotherhood of Nod, and Scrin.

What is the story of Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars?

Командный и завоевательный 3 Tiberium Wars:

  • Год 2047: Каин, якобы умерший после Второй тибериевой войны, возглавляет Нод и атакует голубые зоны.
  • GDSS Philadelphia, орбитальная командная станция GDI, разрушена, что вынуждает GDI вступить в бой.
  • События разворачиваются в Третью тибериевую войну.

Is Kane’s Wrath before Tiberium Wars?

Хронологически Kane’s Wrath предшествует Tiberium Wars, являясь связующим звеном между Tiberian Sun и Tiberium Wars.

Who won the Tiberium Wars?

The First Tiberium War was a global conflict waged between the United Nations Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and the Brotherhood of Nod. This war began in the late 1990s and ended in a GDI victory three years later in the early 2000s.

Does Tiberium regrow?

Although, the Tiberium does regrow from the crater left by an 'Overlords Wrath', as long as the point of impact isnt on a structure. As for the power plants, rather than spend 500 bucks on a fence, you could just build another powerplant, so a fence would be kind of pointless.

What does Kane’s wrath add?

Kane's Wrath has new factions (two sub-factions for each GDI, Nod, and Scrin). It also has epic units for each faction (MARV, a HUGE tank, for GDI. The Redeemer, a huge quadroped, for Nod.

Why is Tiberium so valuable?

Tiberium leeches metals and other heavy minerals out of the soil, concentrating them in crystals which can be easily collected by specialized vehicles (Harvesters) and processed (in a specially designed Tiberium refinery) into easy to use resources. As such, it is an amazing opportunity for any economy.

Is blue Tiberium worth more?

Синий тиберий:

  • Двойное время созревания
  • Двойная стоимость
  • Та же связь созревания кристаллов

Is Kane’s Wrath a prequel?

Хронология вселенной Command & Conquer:

  • Kane’s Wrath — приквел к Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
  • В сюжетной кампании Kane’s Wrath описываются события, предшествующие Tiberium Wars
  • В Kane’s Wrath Кейн предстает с незажившим лицом, которое позже было закрыто маской в Tiberium Wars

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